Resource Library

View and download useful documents for use and reference when building your environmental justice (EJ) plan.

SB 1000 Community-Oriented Factsheet
SB 1000 Community-Oriented Factsheet
SB 1000 Factsheet
SB 1000 Factsheet
SB 1000 FAQ Primer
SB 1000 FAQ Primer
Model Language for Environmental Justice Elements
Model Language for Environmental Justice Elements
Summary of the Office of the Attorney General's Comment Letters
Summary of the Office of the Attorney General's Comment Letters
SB 1000 Racial Equity Assessment Tool
SB 1000 Racial Equity Assessment Tool
San Bernardino Council of Governments Regional Equity Study
San Bernardino Council of Governments Regional Equity Study
The Emergence of Environmental Justice in General Plans: Lessons from California's Senate Bill 1000
The Emergence of Environmental Justice in General Plans: Lessons from California's Senate Bill 1000—Policy Brief

Additional Resources

The following resources include guidance for developing an Environmental Justice Element and examples of past Elements.

OPR, General Plan Guidelines and Technical Advisories
OPR, General Plan Guidelines and Technical Advisories
OPR, 2020 Updated EJ Element Section
OPR, 2020 Updated EJ Element Section
OPR, Model EJ Policies for General Plans
OPR, Model EJ Policies for General Plans
CEJA SB 1000 Toolkit
CEJA SB 1000 Toolkit
Office of the Attorney General, SB 1000
Office of the Attorney General, SB 1000

The following provide ideas for other data resources to integrate in the analysis of identifying Priority Equity Communities.

CalEnviroScreen Indicator Maps
CalEnviroScreen Indicator Maps
CARB SB 535 Priority Equity Communities Map
CARB SB 535 Priority Equity Communities Map
Public Health Institute Tracking California Project
Public Health Institute Tracking California Project
California Healthy Places Index
California Healthy Places Index

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