POLICY: Regional health equity. Work closely with the County of San Bernardino and other jurisdictions and stakeholders in San Bernardino County to advance regional health equity priorities and to reduce health disparities. Encourage partnerships to promote health, wellness, and prevention.
POLICY: Health data sharing. Foster health data sharing between the City and County. Work with the County to track health data and coordinate with the County to ensure the City has necessary health-related data.
POLICY: Health initiatives and partnerships. Actively work with the County of San Bernardino’s Department of Public Health to secure support for health initiatives and other healthy community work, such as community implementation grants.
POLICY: Adequate healthcare facilities and services. Maintain communication with local healthcare systems and service providers to ensure that adequate medical facilities and services are provided to meet the varying needs of the community. Support expansion of health care facilities to match the growing population and changing demographics of the community.
POLICY: Access to health services. Partner with public and private stakeholders to promote the flexible use of community spaces (e.g., community centers, libraries, schools) to increase access to and provide important health services, particularly related to obesity, diabetes, and mental health. Prioritize resources and investments in Priority Equity Communities.
POLICY: Transit to health facilities. Partner with local transit agencies to ensure bus routes provide convenient service to existing and future healthcare and social service facilities, especially from Priority Equity Communities.
POLICY: Health services for unhoused residents. Coordinate with Continuum of Care for San Bernardino County to help unhoused residents and those at-risk of becoming homeless to access education, facilities, and health services.
POLICY: Health services for at-risk youth. Coordinate with the County of San Bernardino Department of Children and Family Services to support programs for at-risk youth and parents of at-risk youth, such as parent training programs, health and mental health resources, and youth transition programs.