POLICY: Diverse offerings of recreational programming. Continue to provide City recreational programs that focus on physical activity and that promote active lifestyles. Ensure there are recreational services available for all residents, including persons with disabilities.
POLICY: Investments in physical activity. Prioritize City investments in recreational programs that focus on physical activity.
POLICY: Fee waivers for recreational programming. Consider fee waivers for low-income households in Priority Equity Communities, such as families with children who participate in the National School Lunch Program, so that all residents have access to the City’s recreational programming.
POLICY: Parks and open spaces. Provide well-designed trails and active play amenities in parks and open spaces with amenities to accommodate a range of users.
POLICY: Partnerships for parks and open spaces. Develop public, private, and nonprofit partnerships to develop and maintain parks, recreational facilities, and publicly-accessible private open spaces in Priority Equity Communities.
POLICY: New parks and open spaces. Plan for new parks and increase access to existing and future parks, trails, and open spaces, especially in Priority Equity Communities.