POLICY: Complete streets urban design. Design neighborhoods that support safe pedestrian, bicycle, and public transit use for residents of all ages by prioritizing safety, implementing complete streets. Prioritize transportation system funding and improvements in Priority Equity Communities.
POLICY: Transportation improvements to increase safety. Strive for a safe transportation system by making transportation improvements in areas with a high incidence of collisions, injuries, and death, especially for pedestrians and bicyclists. Street improvements may include the following: marked crosswalks, traffic calming, and separated bicycle lanes.
POLICY: Pedestrian friendly streetscapes. Enhance existing streetscapes to include greater sidewalk coverage, walkway connectivity, street trees and shade, street lighting, street crossing safety features, traffic calming measures, transit shelters, and other design elements, especially in Priority Equity Communities.
POLICY: Improvements to encourage alternative forms of transportation. Prioritize transportation system improvements that promote Complete Streets objectives, incorporate universal design principles, and encourage walking, biking, and transit use in Priority Equity Communities.
POLICY: Safe routes to school. Improve safety and physical activity for students and families, especially in Priority Equity Communities, in trips to and from school.
POLICY: Safe routes for aging adults. Develop safe routes for aging adults, particularly routes to transit and shopping centers.
POLICY: Promotion of active transportation. Promote efforts to educate and encourage residents to take active forms of transportation.