POLICY: School-based nutrition education. Work with local school districts and other educational facilities to create or implement educational programs for children about healthy eating, such as edible schoolyards and healthy cooking classes.
POLICY: Nutrition education programming. Partner with the County of San Bernardino’s Department of Public Health to develop food education programs, including culturally tailored messages, fruit and vegetable incentives, parenting skill classes, nutrition, and physical activity.
POLICY: Education on backyard food production. Partner with community-based organizations to provide gardening and composting classes citywide with an emphasis in Priority Equity Communities.
POLICY: Healthy food choices. Require that City-funded events offer refreshments, also offer healthy food choices and water to participants.
POLICY: Marketing for local healthy food retailers. Help publicize small retailers and restaurants that sell and/or serve affordable and high-quality fruits and vegetables, including locally grown foods.