Data Tools
SB 1000 requires using multiple data sources to identify Priority Equity Communities and better understand what unique or compounded health risks they face as a result of disproportionate exposure to pollution and environmental effects.
This page includes a suite of interactive maps and dashboards to help support jurisdictions and other stakeholders with identifying health and environmental inequities in San Bernardino County and inform ways to reduce and eliminate them. These tools identify Priority Equity Communities (PECs) and provide a comparative analysis of PECs across the region. All data is publicly available and downloadable.

SB 1000 requires using multiple data sources to identify Priority Equity Communities and better understand what unique or compounded health risks they face as a result of disproportionate exposure to pollution and environmental effects.
This page includes a suite of interactive maps and dashboards to help support jurisdictions and other stakeholders with identifying health and environmental inequities in San Bernardino County and inform ways to reduce and eliminate them. These tools identify Priority Equity Communities (PECs) and provide a comparative analysis of PECs across the region. All data is publicly available and downloadable.
How to Use
Using the EJ Summary Dashboard
The EJ Summary Dashboard presents a summary of the identified PECs in San Bernardino County. It identifies these communities using the three methods outlined in the Office of Planning and Research’s General Plan Guidelines for an Environmental Justice Element (see figure below). Although use of only Method 1 or 2 is required to comply with SB 1000, the Office of Planning and Research and the Office of the Attorney General strongly recommend use of all three methods for the identification of a jurisdiction’s PECs. Therefore, this Toolkit’s final recommended PECs combines all three methods and can be found in the Data Exploration Map. For a more complete breakdown of the methods, please view the FAQs page of the website or the SB 1000 Primer document in the Resource Library.
This dashboard includes the recommended PECs for each method individually to allow for jurisdiction customization, and includes other essential information such as low-income areas, housing cost burden, CalEnviroScreen 4.0 data, and other communities identified as disadvantaged at the state and federal levels.
This tool is fully interactive with zooming and filtering capabilities. Jurisdictions and other stakeholders can use the filters on the left bar to change the data in the map to answer their questions and meet their needs. As users filter through the data, the accompanying charts summarizing the data will also reflect the changes. For more information on how to use the dashboard, please click the tab named “User Instructions” on the bottom bar of the dashboard.
Video Guide
Using the Data Exploration Map
The Data Exploration Map provides a more detailed version of the EJ Summary Dashboard. The landing map displays the final recommended PECs in San Bernardino County, which combines all three recommended data analysis methods. The folder icon includes all the different individual layers for mapping. These layers are organized into the following four groups: 1) Priority Equity Communities, 2) Methods 1, 2, and 3, 3) Other Transportation Data, and 4) Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) data.
Checking the box before each layer’s name will turn on the layer’s visibility. This tool is also fully interactive with zooming and filtering capabilities. All data is publicly available and downloadable. For more information about how to use the tool, please click the icon with an “i” for instructions.
Video Guide
Using the Data Analysis Dashboards
The three data analysis dashboards below summarize three different datasets. The first two datasets are organized at the PEC level, while the third dataset is organized at jurisdiction/place level.
The first data dashboard – Overall PEC Analysis – summarizes data regarding the number and population of identified PECs. It includes the number of census tracts identified as PECs in total as well as broken down by each method and by communities identified as disadvantaged by other sources. It also situates these numbers in comparison to the rest of the County.
The second data dashboard – Race & Ethnicity Analysis – presents a summary of the population by race and ethnicity at the countywide and jurisdiction/place level. It compares this data by whether a community is identified as an PEC or not.
Finally, the third data dashboard – Hazard Vulnerability Analysis – includes data about exposure and sensitivity indicators, and visualizes the relationships between the selected indicators for jurisdictions/places in the county. The Exposure Indicators are CalEnviroScreen 4.0’s indicators for pollution exposure and environmental effects. The Sensitivity Indicators include CalEnviroScreen 4.0’s indicators for population characteristics as well as additional indicators from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. The dashboard allows users to select specific indicators for the two axes using the dropdown filters located on the left bar.
In terms of functionality, the first two dashboards allow filtering by place, PEC status, SB 1000 method, and other communities identified as disadvantaged by other sources.* The third dashboard allows filtering by place and median household income.
*Note: These other disadvantaged communities, or DACs, were identified through the following sources. First, SB 535 identifies disadvantaged communities specifically targeted for investment of proceeds from the state’s Cap-and-Trade Program. Second, the White House Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST) identifies communities that are economically disadvantaged and overburdened by pollution and underinvestment in housing, transportation, water and wastewater infrastructure, and health care. Third, the University of California, Riverside (UCR) conducted a regional equity analysis to identify disadvantaged communities in San Bernardino County using more local and region-specific data sources.
Video Guide
Using the EJ Summary Dashboard
The EJ Summary Dashboard presents a summary of the identified PECs in San Bernardino County. It identifies these communities using the three methods outlined in the Office of Planning and Research’s General Plan Guidelines for an Environmental Justice Element (see figure below). Although use of only Method 1 or 2 is required to comply with SB 1000, the Office of Planning and Research and the Office of the Attorney General strongly recommend use of all three methods for the identification of a jurisdiction’s PECs. Therefore, this Toolkit’s final recommended PECs combines all three methods and can be found in the Data Exploration Map. For a more complete breakdown of the methods, please view the FAQs page of the website or the SB 1000 Primer document in the Resource Library.
This dashboard includes the recommended PECs for each method individually to allow for jurisdiction customization, and includes other essential information such as low-income areas, housing cost burden, CalEnviroScreen 4.0 data, and other communities identified as disadvantaged at the state and federal levels.
This tool is fully interactive with zooming and filtering capabilities. Jurisdictions and other stakeholders can use the filters on the left bar to change the data in the map to answer their questions and meet their needs. As users filter through the data, the accompanying charts summarizing the data will also reflect the changes. For more information on how to use the dashboard, please click the tab named “User Instructions” on the bottom bar of the dashboard.
Video Guide
Using the Data Exploration Map
The Data Exploration Map provides a more detailed version of the EJ Summary Dashboard. The landing map displays the final recommended PECs in San Bernardino County, which combines all three recommended data analysis methods. The folder icon includes all the different individual layers for mapping. These layers are organized into the following four groups: 1) Priority Equity Communities, 2) Methods 1, 2, and 3, 3) Other Transportation Data, and 4) Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) data.
Checking the box before each layer’s name will turn on the layer’s visibility. This tool is also fully interactive with zooming and filtering capabilities. All data is publicly available and downloadable. For more information about how to use the tool, please click the icon with an “i” for instructions.
Video Guide
Using the Data Analysis Dashboards
The three data analysis dashboards below summarize three different datasets. The first two datasets are organized at the PEC level, while the third dataset is organized at jurisdiction/place level.
The first data dashboard – Overall PEC Analysis – summarizes data regarding the number and population of identified PECs. It includes the number of census tracts identified as PECs in total as well as broken down by each method and by communities identified as disadvantaged by other sources. It also situates these numbers in comparison to the rest of the County.
The second data dashboard – Race & Ethnicity Analysis – presents a summary of the population by race and ethnicity at the countywide and jurisdiction/place level. It compares this data by whether a community is identified as an PEC or not.
Finally, the third data dashboard – Hazard Vulnerability Analysis – includes data about exposure and sensitivity indicators, and visualizes the relationships between the selected indicators for jurisdictions/places in the county. The Exposure Indicators are CalEnviroScreen 4.0’s indicators for pollution exposure and environmental effects. The Sensitivity Indicators include CalEnviroScreen 4.0’s indicators for population characteristics as well as additional indicators from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. The dashboard allows users to select specific indicators for the two axes using the dropdown filters located on the left bar.
In terms of functionality, the first two dashboards allow filtering by place, PEC status, SB 1000 method, and other communities identified as disadvantaged by other sources.* The third dashboard allows filtering by place and median household income.
*Note: These other disadvantaged communities, or DACs, were identified through the following sources. First, SB 535 identifies disadvantaged communities specifically targeted for investment of proceeds from the state’s Cap-and-Trade Program. Second, the White House Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST) identifies communities that are economically disadvantaged and overburdened by pollution and underinvestment in housing, transportation, water and wastewater infrastructure, and health care. Third, the University of California, Riverside (UCR) conducted a regional equity analysis to identify disadvantaged communities in San Bernardino County using more local and region-specific data sources.
Video Guide
To view the dashboard on mobile, click here.
To view the dashboard on mobile, click here.
Disclaimer: The data presented in these applications was created by SBCTA/SBCOG for planning purposes only; the applications were designed and are operated solely for the convenience of the local and regional jurisdictions and their related entities. SBCTA/SBCOG does not warrant the accuracy of the data presented. By entering this site, you acknowledge that SBCTA/SBCOG will not be responsible for any damage, loss or injury resulting from use of the information herein. Site users agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless SBCTA/SBCOG, its directors, officers and employees, from and against any and all actions, damages, costs, liabilities, claims, demands, losses, judgments, penalties, costs and expenses, including attorney’s fees, arising out of, or in any way connected with, the use of the applications and/or the data contained therein.
SBCTA GIS Department Contact: [email protected]
Data Analysis
Overall Priority Equity Community Analysis
Use this data dashboard to explore the population of PECs in relation to the rest of the County. View this dashboard on mobile here.
Overall Priority Equity Community Analysis
Use this data dashboard to explore the population of PECs in relation to the rest of the County. View this dashboard in a separate tab here.
Race & Ethnicity Analysis
Use this data dashboard to explore the population by race and ethnicity of PECs in relation to the rest of the county. View this dashboard on mobile here.
Race & Ethnicity Analysis
Use this data dashboard to explore the population by race and ethnicity of PECs in relation to the rest of the county. View this dashboard in a separate tab here.
Hazard Vulnerability Analysis
Use this data dashboard to explore a comparison of jurisdictions/places across various CalEnviroScreen 4.0’s exposure and population sensitivity indicators. View this dashboard on mobile here.
Hazard Vulnerability Analysis
Use this data dashboard to explore a comparison of jurisdictions/places across various CalEnviroScreen 4.0’s exposure and population sensitivity indicators. View this dashboard in a separate tab here.
Overall Priority Equity Community Analysis
Use this data dashboard to explore the population of PECs in relation to the rest of the County. View this dashboard on mobile here.
Race & Ethnicity Analysis
Use this data dashboard to explore the population by race and ethnicity of PECs in relation to the rest of the county. View this dashboard on mobile here.
Hazard Vulnerability Analysis
Use this data dashboard to explore a comparison of jurisdictions/places across various CalEnviroScreen 4.0’s exposure and population sensitivity indicators. View this dashboard on mobile here.
Disclaimer: The data presented in these applications was created by SBCTA/SBCOG for planning purposes only; the applications were designed and are operated solely for the convenience of the local and regional jurisdictions and their related entities. SBCTA/SBCOG does not warrant the accuracy of the data presented. By entering this site, you acknowledge that SBCTA/SBCOG will not be responsible for any damage, loss or injury resulting from use of the information herein. Site users agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless SBCTA/SBCOG, its directors, officers and employees, from and against any and all actions, damages, costs, liabilities, claims, demands, losses, judgments, penalties, costs and expenses, including attorney’s fees, arising out of, or in any way connected with, the use of the applications and/or the data contained therein.