Actions for Institutionalizing Equity in Government

  • Produce annual progress reports on the City’s implementation of the Environmental Justice Element.
  • Work closely with the County of San Bernardino’s Department of Public Health to develop and implement five-year action plans to proactively advance community health and environmental justice in Priority Equity Communities.
  • Maintain a dedicated staff position (e.g., an Equity and Inclusion Officer) to institutionalize accountability, advance equity initiatives, and monitor equity-related outcomes.
  • Create a governing for racial equity training and require that City staff from all departments take part in capacity building trainings to equip them to understand and apply a racial equity lens in their day-to-day work.
  • Join the Government Alliance on Race and Equity or a similar national network to gain access to resources to increase the City’s capacity to advance racial and social equity.
  • Develop a standardized equity impact assessment tool for use in City decision-making, including when the City Council is considering new policies and ordinances.
  • Establish equity as a high-ranking factor in all department decision-making. Prioritize projects that make improvements and address the needs of Priority Equity Communities.
  • Develop a standardized approach to tracking data to address economic, social, racial, and health inequities in order to measure the impact of City policies and programs over time.

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