POLICY: Promote and address the health and wellness of the public through the City’s actions, policies, programs, and publications.
POLICY: Integrate a Health in All Policies approach across City departments to address health and equity in the City, including close collaboration with the County of San Bernardino’s Department of Public Health initiatives and programs that support the improvement of health.
POLICY: Encourage local employers to adopt healthy living/healthy employee programs, practices, and events (such as walk-a-thons, walking meetings, and local incentives for promoting healthy lifestyles, including smoking cessation, gym subsidies, etc.).
POLICY: Promote healthy lifestyles and activities at City offices and city-sponsored events.
POLICY: Promote the health and wellbeing of city employees through health challenges, healthy food choices at staff events, and onsite wellness programs.
POLICY: Encourage smoke-free/vape-free workplaces, multi-family housing, parks, and other outdoor gathering places to reduce exposure to second-hand smoke.