Actions for Inclusive Engagement

  • Develop an Environmental Justice Advisory Committee to monitor implementation of this element. Require a majority of committee seats to be designated for residents of Priority Equity Communities and stakeholders with relevant expertise (e.g., environmental justice, equity, tribal governance, public health).
  • Establish an Equity Committee to provide guidance on equity-related topics in City governance.
  • Partner with local stakeholders and conduct deliberate outreach to Priority Equity Communities to ensure that the City’s boards and commissions reflect the rich diversity of the city.
  • Continue to hold community meetings and focus groups to gather community input into City decision-making processes. Locate these community meetings in Priority Equity Communities and at times that are convenient for community members.
  • Fund a dedicated staff position to advance equity initiatives and monitor equity-related outcomes.
  • Compensate residents of Priority Equity Communities for their time and expertise contributing to City processes by building in resident stipends into departmental budgets.
  • Develop a pilot program for participatory budgeting, which is a democratic process in which community members recommend to the City Council how to spend part of the public budget.

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