Actions for Limiting Unhealthy Foods

  • Update the zoning code to identify drive-through restaurants and convenience stores as conditional uses. Require conditional use review upon lease renewal or at point of business sale.
  • Update the zoning code to limit new drive-through restaurants within 1,000 feet of child-sensitive areas (e.g., schools, parks, libraries, and childcare facilities) and within 1,000 feet of another drive-through restaurant.
  • Update the Zoning Code to define and prohibit any new drive-through restaurants.
  • Update the Zoning Code to establish definitions for liquor stores and wine shops as commercial establishments that primarily sell alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption. Prohibit new liquor stores or wine shops within 1,000 feet of a school or park and within 1,000 feet of another liquor store or wine shop.
  • Update the Zoning Code to define convenience stores and require them to have a conditional use permit. Require conditional use review upon lease renewal or at point of business sale.
  • Explore the creation of a citywide fee on sugar-sweetened beverages to fund child and youth development programs, such as childcare and healthy eating programming.

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