Actions for Reducing Air Pollution

  • Update the General Plan land use map and zoning code to limit the siting of new industrial facilities that emit air pollutants and/or toxic chemicals, including warehouses, within 1,000 feet of existing sensitive land uses (e.g., schools, playgrounds, housing, healthcare facilities, and elder and childcare centers). For new industrial facilities that cannot be sited at least 1,000 feet away, require new development to implement appropriate mitigation measures to reduce air pollution.
  • Establish a local ordinance that exceeds the State vehicle idling restrictions, including restrictions for bus layovers, delivery vehicles, trucks at warehouses and distribution facilities and taxis, particularly when these activities take place near sensitive land uses. Manage truck idling in residential areas.
  • Establish a consistent street cleaning and sweeping program to clear dust and other pollutants that contribute to local air pollution.
  • Maintain an up-to-date truck routes map that minimizes exposures to sensitive land uses (e.g., schools, playgrounds, healthcare facilities, affordable housing, and elder and childcare centers).
  • Partner with public and private stakeholders to establish an electric-vehicle car sharing program in Priority Equity Communities that is available for low-income households.
  • Adopt mitigation measures that limit vehicular and construction-related particulate emissions.
  • Partner with the County of San Bernardino and other local jurisdictions to develop a regionwide action plan for wildfire smoke days. Advocate for low-income households and Priority Equity Communities to be prioritized for emergency response services.

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