Goal PE-4: A City that strives to be a smoke-free community.

POLICY: Smoke-free and vape-free public places. Update the municipal code to require all City-owned public places, including outdoor facilities, to be smoke-free (i.e., tobacco and cannabis) and vape-free to reduce residents’ exposure to the health-harming impacts of second-hand smoke, marijuana smoke, and vapor.

POLICY: Smoke-free and vape-free workplaces. Encourage employers to provide smoke-free and vape-free workplaces.

POLICY: Smoke-free and vape-free multifamily housing. Adopt an ordinance to transition all multi-family buildings into smoke-free and vape-free housing.

POLICY: Reducing access to smoking and vaping products. Limit the sale of tobacco, cannabis, and other nicotine products in neighborhoods with a significant concentration of stores (e.g., multiple stores on the same block or intersection) and near child-sensitive areas, such as schools, parks, and daycare facilities. Consider distance requirements from sensitive uses.

POLICY: Limiting advertisements for smoking and vaping. Encourage store owners to limit advertising for tobacco, cannabis, and vaping products.

POLICY: Anti-smoking and anti-vaping campaigns. Coordinate with County of San Bernardino’s Department of Public Health and local community partners to continue educational campaigns regarding anti-smoking and anti-vaping measures.

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