Goal PE-1: Priority Equity Communities have reduced daily exposure to air pollution, especially from the logistics and distribution industry.

POLICY: Good neighbor policy. Establish a Good Neighbor Policy ordinance that provides a set of guidelines and mitigation measures to potentially help address some of the air pollution and other concerns from industrial facilities and logistics and distribution companies operating within the city’s limits.

POLICY: Mobile sources of emissions. Reduce air pollution and vehicle-related emissions, especially from diesel-powered trucks, that travel to, from, or through the city. Designate truck routes to avoid sensitive land uses (e.g., schools, playgrounds, housing, healthcare facilities, and elder and childcare centers), where feasible.

POLICY: Stationary sources of emissions. Discourage the development of new industrial facilities (e.g., warehouses) within 1,000 feet of existing sensitive land uses (e.g., schools, playgrounds, housing, healthcare facilities, and elder and childcare centers).

POLICY: Sensitive land uses adjacent to local sources of air pollution. Discourage the development of sensitive land uses (e.g., schools, playgrounds, housing, healthcare facilities, and elder and childcare centers) within 1,000 feet of land uses that are sources of local air pollution (e.g., highways and warehouses). For sensitive land uses that cannot be sited at least 1,000 feet away, require mitigation actions such as:

  • Require residential units have individual heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to allow adequate ventilation with windows closed.
  • Locate air intake systems for HVAC systems as far away from existing air pollution sources as possible.
  • Use High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) air filters in the HVAC system and develop a maintenance plan to ensure the filtering system is properly maintained.
  • Use sound walls, berms, and vegetation as physical barriers.
  • Require disclosures to notify new potential home buyers and renters of risks from air pollution.


POLICY: Electric truck hook-ups. Require new industrial or commercial developments at which heavy-duty diesel trucks idle on-site to install electric truck hook-ups in docks, bays, and parking areas.

POLICY: Incentives for businesses to lower pollution. Support local business owners in transitioning their existing operations to emit fewer air pollutants through incentives and development standards.

POLICY: Community benefits agreements. Develop a community benefits agreement for major private development projects in the city’s Priority Equity Communities that will generate significant truck traffic.

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